Matt Fairris, MCP | Vice President
Matt Fairris is a Vice President in BAE’s Sacramento Region office, where he services as a key project staff member and project manager for BAE consulting assignments spanning the U.S. He specializes in pro forma feasibility modeling and market analysis in support of affordable and market-rate residential development advisory services.
His recent experience includes market analysis and financial feasibility analysis in support of public sector site dispositions, including the State of California Excess Sites program, Alameda County’s Broadway Sites in Downtown Oakland, and several Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority-owned sites, among others. He also contributed to neighborhood-level market analysis and financial feasibility analysis of various residential, commercial, and industrial prototypes in support of community benefit policy analysis. These include studies in the Eastern Neighborhoods of San Francisco, and the Route-1 South Plan Area in Alexandria, Virginia. Matt has also contributed to pro forma financial feasibility modeling in support of affordable housing impact fee studies, including analyses in Windsor, CA, Stockton, CA, and Palm Beach County, FL.
During his time at UC Berkeley, Matt was part of the winning team in the Bank of America Low-Income Housing Challenge and the Big Ideas competition, both focusing on the feasibility of affordable housing. Matt also teaches a real estate finance course in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at San Jose State University.