Paul Peninger, MCP | Principal
Paul is an urban economist and planner specializing in the policy and planning intersections between financial feasibility, planning, and sustainable development.
Throughout his career as a consultant, teacher, and community development finance professional, Paul has maintained a strong commitment to affordable housing as the cornerstone of equitable and sustainable communities. He has worked with hundreds of jurisdictions to create sustainable and implementable plans that support community goals.
Paul has a deep background in real estate feasibility analysis and finance, spanning the full range of land use and development types. He is leading assignments across BAE's offices, including providing economic analysis in support of the Milpitas Main Street Gateway Specific Plan, a Silicon Valley community focused on housing affordability and community benefits. He is also providing New York City staff with national best and innovative policy and implementation practices for increasing affordable and market-rate housing supply to address housing needs and affordability.
Paul has made numerous presentations of his work to public bodies and professional associations, including the Urban Land Institute and the American Planning Association, and has been an appointed lecturer in real estate land economics at the University of California, Berkeley since 2002.