Almaden and Winfield (CA) Highest and Best Use Pro Forma Analysis

Santa Clara Valley Water District and Valley Transportation Authority, San Jose, CA

The Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) jointly commissioned BAE, in association with a community planning and design firm, to prepare a comprehensive analysis that explores the potential for redevelopment of the Winfield Warehouse site, owned by the SCVWD, and the Almaden Park-and-Ride site, owned by the VTA.

The study analyzes the market potential for a range of uses on the site as well as the potential for various site redevelopment options to generate revenue to SCVWD and VTA.

As part of this assignment, BAE prepared a market study for both residential and commercial uses, development yield analysis, and detailed pro forma studies to determine the highest and best use of the two adjacent properties.

BAE’s work identified areas where current land use policy is mis-aligned with market conditions and recommended strategies to support seeking changes in zoning and general plan designations.

The study included a fiscal analysis of alternative development programs to measure the fiscal impact to the City of San Jose.