Portland (Oregon) Public Market Feasibility Study
Portland Development Commission

Portland’s emphasis on sustainability has long been noted by planners around the world. As one of several initiatives to revitalize a historic area of downtown, the City and an advocacy group were considering development of an indoor, year-round public market focused on fresh, locally grown food products. To test market and financial feasibility, the Portland Development Commission engaged BAE to conduct a year-long study, in collaboration with a 25-person task force. BAE conducted the study in two phases.
Phase 1 analyzed market demand for the Public Market concept, including extensive surveys of downtown workers, food merchants, and residents within a 1.5 mile trade area. From these surveys plus detailed demographic analysis, BAE developed a profile of likely shoppers, along with estimates of spending and resulting supportable square feet of vendor space. The Phase 1 study also included a special meeting of public market experts drawn from successful facilities in Vancouver, WA, and San Francisco, CA.
Phase 2 of the study focused on a pre-selected site for the Market, the historic Skidmore Fountain Building near the waterfront. BAE and its subconsultants assessed the physical structure and developed alternative schemes for expanding the building. BAE analyzed feasibility through a series of pro formas incorporating New Market Tax Credits and private financing. Phase 2 concluded with a series of recommendations to implement the Public Market, including potential grant sources, a proposed management and operating structure, and methods to ensure equity in pricing and access to food products for all income levels. Phase 2 also provided a final development scheme, including detailed floorplans showing the mix of vendors and public spaces. Since the study process was completed, the City of Portland shifted its location preference for the Public Market away from the site which BAE studied. However, the concept as outlined by BAE and numerous stakeholders has continued to gain momentum, and the City has announced recent selection of a developer to incorporate the Public Market at a different site in downtown Portland.