VTA Real Estate and Economics Consulting Services
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

BAE has provided ongoing real estate and economics consulting services to the Valley Transportation Authority that provides light-rail and bus service in Santa Clara County, California, the heart of Silicon Valley.
To date, BAE has been engaged for the following projects:
Real Property Asset Monetization Strategies and Analysis
BAE prepared a white paper on real property monetization strategies that provides a detailed review of fee simple sale versus ground leasing of VTA’s land assets, including description of key ground lease terms. illustrative financial examples, and the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy. This paper was prepared to brief senior VTA management and decision-makers.
Capitol Station Market Study
BAE prepared a detailed commercial market study for land owned by VTA adjacent to its Capitol Station in south San Jose. BAE evaluated the potential for commercial joint development on the site, focused on neighborhood and commercial retail, office space, and medical office uses. The analysis included a comprehensive site analysis and evaluation of whether or not uses and densities set forth in San Jose’s Envision San Jose 2040 general plan were supportable in the market at the VTA site.
Evelyn Station Affordable Housing Joint Development RFP
BAE was engaged to prepare a joint development developer solicitation for housing on a surplus VTA site in Mountain View, California. BAE’s work includes preparing a pro forma analysis to determine the potential ground lease payments or fee sale proceeds that would be generated by a 100 percent affordable housing project.
Cerone Yard Creative Industrial RFQ/P
BAE is preparing a developer solicitation package for creative industrial and other commercial uses on a portion of VTA’s Cerone operations yard in North San Jose on State Route 237. BAE prepared development feasibility pro forma analysis and analyzed comparable creative office and industrial projects in the rapidly evolving Golden Triangle in Silicon Valley.