San Francisco Better Streets Economic Analysis
San Francisco

BAE was retained by the City of San Francisco to analyze life cycle costs associated with green streetscape improvements as envisioned in the San Francisco Better Streets Plan. Planned improvements are to be implemented across the City, as funding cycles allow, and seek to achieve a “complete street” environment. The City plans to integrate the sustainable improvements so that key segments of San Francisco’s streets will eventually contain a full array of “green” elements and enhanced functionality. Improvements include the use of stormwater best management practices such as permeable paving, rain gardens (e.g., infiltration planters), and bio-swales; energy-efficient streetlight fixtures; and modified pedestrian crossings with high visibility markings and pedestrian refuges. In order to assess life cycle costs, BAE evaluated construction bid documents for these types of sustainable improvements, conducted interviews with City staff and staff of other jurisdictions / agencies, and contacted vendors to assess detailed costs of sustainably-made materials / equipment.
BAE prepared an interactive database tool to enable staff to compare life cycle costs for traditional and "green" alternatives, including upfront capital and ongoing operations and maintenance costs, along various street segments. This spreadsheet-based tool and accompanying cost assumptions will assist the City's Department of Public Works and other staff as the City implements green, sustainable capital improvement projects in the coming decades. BAE's work also included an overview of potential funding sources for the planned improvements, along with recommendations to streamline the patchwork of current street management and maintenance processes.