Strong Communities, Strong Region
Baltimore, Maryland

BAE supported key components of a major housing plan for the Baltimore Metropolitan Region, covering the City of Baltimore and five adjacent counties with a total population of over two million. The regional housing plan is one element of a Regional Plan for Sustainable Development, funded by a HUD Regional Planning Grant.
The Regional Housing Plan compares regional demographic characteristics and trends to the available housing supply in order to evaluate how well the housing market can meet housing needs. Spatial analysis was used to evaluate subregional differences in housing demand and supply, along with indicators for employment density, workforce characteristics and transportation patterns. As the real estate analyst, BAE assessed the region’s market-rate and assisted housing supply, including published housing data as well as a proprietary database of over 140,000 market-rate rental units. BAE also created an inventory of subsidized housing units in the region, including data on Housing Choice vouchers, public housing units, and subsidized units in hundreds of properties. The National Center for Smart Growth, also a team member on this project, provided a socioeconomic analysis of racial and poverty concentration in the region and opportunity mapping of housing, land use, transportation and economic activity.