West Hollywood Innovative Housing Study Options
City of West Hollywood, CA

The City of West Hollywood has been known for its proactive approach to addressing housing needs for its residents since its founding.
West Hollywood was among the first cities in California to implement rent stabilization and inclusionary housing ordinances in the 1980s. Since then, the City has been at the forefront of championing equitable housing through a suite of progressive policies and programs.
The City commissioned BAE to prepare an analysis of innovative housing types and programs, to provide options for the City to further its goal of better housing its diverse population. The study began with an analysis of local demographic and housing market conditions and trends, identifying key housing issues that could be addressed with implementation of innovative workforce and affordable housing models targeted to specific needs. In consultation with City staff, BAE then identified eight different innovative housing types or programs, to serve as the focus for a set of in-depth profiles, as follows:
- Community Land Trusts
- Modular Construction
- Micro-Units
- Limited Equity Cooperatives
- Renovation for Energy Efficiency
- Scattered Site Senior Housing with Services
- Intergenerational Co-housing
- Artist Housing
For the profiles:
- BAE conducted a literature review for general background on how the housing type or program has been developed in the U.S.
- Identified specific case study examples, and collected information regarding, costs funding, and financing
- Interviewed experts who have been involved with implementation
- Identified lessons learned and best practices
- Determined applicability and recommendations for replicability in the West Hollywood context