San Ramon, CA Retail Market Analysis
City of San Ramon, CA

The City of San Ramon engaged BAE to prepare an analysis of its retail sector and update a prior Economic Development Strategic Plan prepared by BAE in 2011.
BAE prepared a comprehensive analysis of the City’s retail centers, including an evaluation of each of the 17 neighborhood and community shopping centers.
BAE evaluated the position of San Ramon in the regional retail market, prepared a SWOT analysis of the City’s retail sector, and formulated preliminary recommended changes to the City’s existing EDSP.
BAE presented its findings to the City’s Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Planning Commission, and City Council and worked with the City to organize and convene a retail focus group composed of retail property owners, developers, brokers, and representative from the Chamber of Commerce.
For the second phase of the project, BAE formulated alternative retail economic development strategies for stakeholder and City Council review.
The Council selected a preferred alternative set of strategies that included changes to land use policies, and after environmental review adopted it as part of a retail-focused General Plan Update. BAE then updated to the City’s EDSP to reflect the changes to the General Plan and the updated EDSP was adopted by the Council in April 2019.
BAE has been recently engaged to apply its findings and recommendations as part of an update to the Crow Canyon Specific Plan now underway.