
BAE Client in the News - Portland, OR Housing Development Costs

A revealing exchange about funding from city council work session

BAE's client, the City of Portland, OR is in the news for its discussions around the impacts of infrastructure costs on housing development.  The City is looking at all of its mandated fees and requirements associated with housing development to identify those that can be adjusted to make housing more affordable to build.  You can read more here: https://bikeportland.org/2023/07/27/a-revealing-exchange-about-funding-from-city-council-work-session-377616

Watch the Council Housing Production Work Session here:  https://www.portland.gov/council-clerk/events/2023/7/25/housing-production-work-session

 See BAE's findings here:  https://www.portland.gov/phb/documents/ih-calibration-study-meeting-7-findings-slide-deck/download




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